Applying ColorShield Over Aerosol, Spray Painted or Airbrushed Murals

Some spray paints are sensitive to consolidation. Spray paint layers are very thin and can sometimes resist adhering to acrylic paints. Slipping is when paint shifts or slips down a wall during fusing. To avoid this, artists have two options. Before proceeding, ensure that the spray painted mural has thoroughly cured at least 3-5 days or longer depending on the weather conditions and humidity. Always test in a small area before proceeding to apply in larger areas!

Spray paint uses propellants and solvents to quickly cure and as a result, they trap solvents as they rapidly dry on the surface. The thicker the spray paint, the longer the cure time. It is also important to note that not all colors are suitable for longterm outdoor durability. Colors like fluorescent pigments, chromatic or iridescent paints are highly fugitive and will rapidly lose their vibrancy. The UV stabilizers in ColorShield will extend the color's durability, but some colors chemically change despite consolidation. So consider your color pallet when designing your mural for the desired longevity. 

Option 1 - Try brushing ColorShield™. Use a fine tip brush, such as a Purdy nylon brush lightly loaded with ColorShield. Brush from Top to Bottom, Side to Side in a way that avoids overlapping previously coated areas.

Option 2 - Spraying with the Fog Coating Technique. Apply ColorShield™ lightly using a fog coat technique. Set up your sprayer to create a fine atomization by using a fine tip suitable for stains and varnishes, and stand 4-6 feet away from the wall, moving the sprayer side to side in a relatively fast pace. Allow the coating to lightly dry before reapplying the following coat. If you see paint shift, increase your distance from the wall and/or move your sprayer at a faster pace to reduce the amount of ColorShield™ being applied to the wall. 

Option 3 - Use an Isolation Coat. If your aerosol mural uses thin glazes and are concerned with paint shift, consider using an acrylic varnish as an Isolation Coat over your aerosol mural. Use one coat of a water-based acrylic isolation coating before applying ColorShield. Any acrylic varnish is suitable as an isolation coating. Apply one coat of a water-based acrylic varnish and allow to thoroughly dry before applying ColorShield.

For any questions before applying or to troubleshoot your unique situation, call or text us at 323-601-5000 or email us at